I am a research scientist and recently (June 4th, 2024) earned my Biology PhD in the Mike Hickerson and Ana Carnaval labs at The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

I’m currently on the job market! My ideal role would involve taking advantage of my strong computational and scientific background to solve difficult data problems in science and business. I love each stage of the process- planning, execution, and communication to stakeholders. I am particularly drawn to mission-driven companies that can take advantage of my domain-specific knowledge in genomics, climate, and/or geospatial analytics, but I am open to taking my passion for data science and analytics into unexpected directions. As a data scientist, I particularly enjoy creating reproducible data analytics and machine learning pipelines, creating engaging data visualizations and dashboards, and distilling complex results for a diversity of stakeholder audiences.

My academic research focuses on understanding how populations, species, and communities evolve in response to changing environments. I integrate species distribution modeling using earth observation data with population genomics to address these questions and develop open-source software to solve these difficult problems.

I’m passionate about data science, photography, music, and my dog Buckley!