BIO 10006 | City College of New York | TA, as PhD student. Developed the curriculum.
Introduce new Biology students to the research and stories of faculty, while developing core research foundational and technological skills in Microsoft Excel and R.
Ecology and Evolution
BIO 22800 | City College of New York | TA, as PhD student
Introduction to the basic principles of ecology and evolutionary biology emphasizing quantitative approaches and hypothesis testing.
- Fall 2023
Multi-dimensional Biodiversity Data
| Evolution Meeting | Instructor, Curriculum developer
Two‐day workshop to introduce different data types used by biodiversity scientists in an integrative framework.
Reproducible Research
| City College of New York | Panelist, Co-organizer
1.5 hour panel on techniques for reproducible research.
- Fall 2022
Ecology and Evolution
BIO 22800 | City College of New York | TA, as PhD student
Introduction to the basic principles of ecology and evolutionary biology emphasizing quantitative approaches and hypothesis testing.
- Spring 2022
R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
| Columbia University | Instructor
Invited half-day Software Carpentries workshop as part of the Pre‐Statistics Course Bootcamp.
- Spring 2021
Introduction to Text Analysis in R
| The Graduate Center, CUNY | Instructor
1.5 hour online workshop for CUNY Graduate Center faculty and students.
| The Graduate Center, CUNY | Instructor, led the R track
Five day series of workshops introducing CUNY faculty and students to digital tools for research.
Digital Humanities Research Institute
| The Graduate Center, CUNY; National | Instructor
Led the Git and GitHub workshop for a national cohort of students and faculty.
Exploring population structure in R with adegenet and sNMF
| The Graduate Center, CUNY; International | Instructor
1.5 hour online workshop, part of the four day Bioinformatics Bootcamp for Ecology and Evolution.
| The Graduate Center, CUNY | Instructor
Two hour online workshop for CUNY Graduate Center faculty and students.
| The Graduate Center, CUNY | Instructor
2.5 hour workshop on using ggplot2 for data visualization.
Reproducible Data Analysis in R
| The Graduate Center, CUNY | Instructor
2.5 hour workshop on using RMarkdown and GitHub for reproducible data analysis.
| The Graduate Center, CUNY | Instructor
2.5 hour workshop on using the tidyverse for data manipulation.
| The Graduate Center, CUNY | Instructor
1.5 hour invited workshop for graduate students in the Quantitative Zoogeography graduate course
Introduction to population structure inference in R
| SIU Carbondale | Instructor
Two hour invited workshop for Zoology graduate and undergraduate students.

Bioinformatic processing of ultraconserved elements for phylogenetic analysis
| SIU Carbondale | Instructor
Two hour workshop to introduce graduate students to a bioinformatics pipeline.
- Spring 2019

BioSkills- Developmental biology
BIO 212 | SIU Carbondale | TA, as Master's student
Co-developed material for new writing and discussion-based course section.
- Spring 2018

BioSkills- Ecology
BIO 212 | SIU Carbondale | TA, as Master's student
Co-developed material for new writing and discussion-based course section.
- Fall 2017

Introduction to Evolution and Ecology Lab
BIO 212 | SIU Carbondale | TA, as Master's student
Introductory lab course for majors.
- Fall 2017

Reptile and amphibian survey and capture techniques
| SIU Carbondale | Instructor
Two invited lectures for Curation of Collections (PLB 401) and SIUC Wildlife Techniques (ZOOL 469).
- Fall 2017

Vertebrate Anatomy Lab
ZOOL 418 | SIU Carbondale | TA, as Master's student
Led and prepared labs.
- Spring 2017

Introductory Biology for Non-Majors Lab
ZOOL 115 | SIU Carbondale | TA, as Master's student
Led and prepared labs.
- Fall 2016

Camp Einstein Afterschool STEM Program
| Austin, TX | Instructor
Led summer after school program for early elementary school students.
- Summer 2016

SDS 328M | UT Austin | TA, as Undergraduate
Assisted graduate TA with leading and grading R programming labs, and facilitating course discussion.
- Spring 2015

SDS 328M | UT Austin | TA, as Undergraduate
Assisted graduate TA with leading and grading R programming labs, and facilitating course discussion.
- Fall 2014